Saturday, December 22, 2012

Jennifer Love Hewitt hot


Born February 21, 1979, in Waco, Texas. The daughter of two medical professionals who divorced when their daughter was just six months old, Jennifer Love Hewitt is one of those rare child song-and-dance stars who's managed to navigate the tricky road to adult success as a film and television actress.

She was always the sweet girl with beauty queen looks and proud owner of melon mammaries I can only dream of! So when Jennifer Love Hewitt (JLH) decides to take on the role of Samantha, a young mother and wife who falls into hard times then suddenly finds herself in a massage parlor where she soon reigns as queen, I knew I had to watch.

Jennifer Love Hewitt's feature film debut came in 1992 when she appeared in Munchie, an independent film. She then landed the lead role in the popular horror movie I Know What You Did Last Summer in 1997. The film also starred Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe and Freddie Prinze Jr. She then went on to appear in the sequel, entitled I Still Know What You Did Last Summer in 1998, which fared less well than its predecessor.



