Thursday, October 11, 2012

Miley Cryus scandal pictures

Below are a few pictures of Miley Cyrus photo scandal "collection" ;-)

Well no one needs an introduction about our little "Miley" (not so little now is she!?). Anyway out of my "curiosity" about her I did a little search here and there and found few pictures (including few personal ones it seems) that I thought you might find interesting.

I'm no philosopher dudes but whether you're a world famous celebrity or the president of United States... after all we are human. Some of the pictures are a bit old but most of these pictures (the self taken ones) are taken when she was young. Well she ain't old or anything but when you're at your 16 or 19... they all look beautiful and personally I love the picture 3 and 4 ;-).

And let's hope that she won't end up like Britney Spears but then again she's already smoking isn't she ;-). After all as the saying goes... "time destroys everything". Anyhow let's forget all these personal opinions and other bullshi* just enjoy them!

