Interview with Smokin’ Hot Canadian Model/Actress: Veronika London
Recently I received a press release from a public relations rep. regarding Veronika London, an up and coming Canadian model/actress, heralded by Maxim magazine as the Megan Fox of the North… so I was immediately not interested, as this was the second Canadian model I’d heard described as such. No offense to either of these ladies, as it’s no fault of their own that a comparison to Megan Fox garners more attention than none, but my opinion is one that favours authenticity over imitation… but enough about me- I’m happy to announce that the LDU endorses Veronika London as 100% awesome.
Not only is Veronika a certified bombshell, her expertise in martial arts makes her a natural candidate for Canada’s next great cinematic femme fatale! As it turns out Veronika has already starred in a number of movies and TV features, including HBO series Lingerie. In addition to that she recently finished shooting for Showtime’s highly anticipated 2nd Season of Body Language, where she plays an aspiring photographer by day and a seductive stripper by night. No big deal. Check out some of her most recent pics, as well as the interview we had with her last week:
Images courtesy: Rain Photography and Jacqueline Megaw
So first of all, why “London”? Are you from London, On? A UWO girl maybe?
Not exactly, I went to Vegas last year and won a lot of money gambling on roulette. The brand name of the wheel was London and that’s when I made it part of my name.
Ok. Not a UWO girl. Did you go to university/college? If so how was the experience?
Yeah I went to college for theatre. If I could do it over, no I wouldn’t go to college, but rather take side classes and pursue acting full on.
What’s your favourite city in Ontario to party in?
Toronto, the nightlife is kickin’ year round, but especially during patio season.
If we run into you at a bar or an event, what drink should we buy you?
I drink either chocolate martini’s or straight vodka. So you can get me a vodka and I’ll wash it down with a martini :)
Ok, let’s talk career. You’ve been featured in a number of films and TV spots, with more on the way. What should we go back and look up?
HBO- “Lingerie” was my lucky break which is what got me the most attention after I had a “love scene” with my co-star.
What’s coming up that we shouldn’t miss?
Showtime’s second season of “Body Language” in Spring, Toro-TV segment “Damage Control” and Feature Film “Jane Doe” in Fall.
Maxim has called you the “Megan Fox of the North”… how do you feel about that comparison?
I think she is so amazing. I highly take that as an awesome compliment.
Other than Megan Fox, would you draw any parallels between yourself and another Hollywood actress(es)?
Angelina Jolie. In the movie “Jane Doe” most of the scenes are very raw and edgy. That’s how I see Angelina. Mind you she is beyond my scope, however I do aspire to be a great actress like her!
In case we have an exclusive on our hands… Have you slept with Tiger Woods?
Ah- no
What’s the “go-to” song on your iPod right now? Hand That Feeds Favourite artist? Nine Inch Nails
The New Moon craze has forced my hand, so Werewolves or Vampires- What’s your pick?
I noticed you were featured on a site called Art or Porn…?
Yup, I question that too..lol..!!
We recently held a modeling contest on the site to help girls break into the industry with Flair Models. How did you get your big break?
Hustling..lol..as long as you have a goal and always put yourself out there, you will get what you want.!
Ok. Closing statement. Anything you want to say to our readers?
Do what you love to do. My counselor in school laughed at me when I said I loved to have my picture taken. I took this to the next level. My goal has become to have my picture taken on as many red carpet movie premiers as possible, model, shoot movie posters, magazine covers and features about me! Now who is laughing?
Thank you so much for answering our questions! We wish you all the best in your burgeoning career! Keep representing the cold North! You’re making us all look good :)
Rock on!
So just to recap, Veronika loves having her picture taken; is a master martial artist; listens to NIN; and chases shots of vodka with chocolate martinis. Like I said before- 100% awesome. So awesome in fact that we’re going to take the high road and refer to her as the Veronika London of the North from this point on, because no Canadian needs American cred when they’re as talented as this. Also, she totally hesitated on that Tiger Woods question looks amazing in lingerie, and that just adds to the awesome.
Chug some vodka, chase with a chocolate martini, and watch Veronika on Showtime’s Body Language!